Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Monday, June 4th, 2007

Took my boys out shooting over the weekend. The youngest sat in the van the whole time, he is not quite two yet. But the six year old was able to try out the little kids 22 that I was able to pick up. He really enjoyed that. He was able to aim for the first time, and thought that was really neat. I am glad he enjoyed that. But that was not the purpose of the trip. My new Springfield XD .45acp was the real reason. I had forgotten how much raw power a 45 has. The last time I went shooting it was with a 9mm Glock. A nice gun, but no 45. My boys thought it was cool. The loud bangs, and the dirt flying off the embankment behind the target. It was fun time had for all. And yes, I was constantly going over gun safety with them.

Leave the Past Alone – Something about Guns

Sunday, May 27th, 2007

In my previous post, I made mention that I may recover some of my old posts and repost them here. Since the last post was more than six months ago, I thought better of that, and decided to leave the past alone, and move forward. Basically, do not expect any old posts. That being said:

Yesterday I made a special purchase. I purchased a Springfield XD .45 handgun. It is an instrument that I hope I will never have to use for it’s intended purpose. However, all things being said, as a law abiding citizen of the United States of America, it is my privilege to own a handgun. The background check took next to no time. And I am now the owner of a very powerful, accurate, and stylish handgun. My concealed weapons application is currently in the hands of the government for review and hopefully approval. My hope is that I will never have to carry my handgun, let alone use it for it’s purpose as originally stated, but I am all about being prepared. I am teaching my children gun safety, what to do if they see a gun, and how to properly handle a gun. There is no great mystery about guns for my children. They know what they are, and they know the type of damage a gun can cause. They know that my guns are always locked in a safe. If they wish to look at them, all they need to do is ask, and I will drop everything to show them and to teach them. I strongly feel that everyone should be required to take a gun safety course. It would do a lot to dispell the myths about guns, and can teach those who normally wouldn’t touch a gun, how to treat them to avoid accidentally hurting themself and/or others.

Remember, guns do not kill people. The person pulling the trigger is the one who kills. Just like the drunk driver is the killer, not the car. If you have a problem with people owning guns, go out and learn about guns. Become informed, learn how to use one, THEN come talk to me. The guns are not going anywhere. They are here to stay. Accept that.

Reality Pause Returns

Saturday, May 26th, 2007

It has been a long time since a new post appeared on this site. Unfortunately, most of the old posts have vanished. Hopefully I will be able to find those, and maybe put them back here. For now, rejoice in the knowledge that we are back!

Although the site looks a bit blah right now, expect great things to slowly appear! Thanks for coming, and please, visit some of our links. I am sure some of them may suit your fancy.